Thursday, March 19, 2009

la fin du monde!

Oh wait, no, that's not it.  It should be the beginning of the world!  But i don't know the word for beginning.  

Two shakes...

Well babelfish says i should be saying "commencement du monde!" and so i shall.

Commencement du monde!

I am going to try to keep up a regular blog type thing here.  And it will be about fashion and beauty, and probably other stuff, but we'll start out with fashion and see where it goes.

I realized this afternoon how much love I have for playing dress up.  I think it was always my favorite game as a little one, and I don't think I ever grew out of it.

As I was dancing around listening to Cyndi Lauper's new album "Brink Ya to the Brink" (totally awesome super silly mainstream gay trance anthems!) I thought, hey let's get dressed up!

I just finished my finals for the quarter, and I want an ice cream sundae to celebrate.  I think an ice cream sundae is a great reason to play dress up.

Cyndi Lauper has always been one of my style icons, and I keep a badass pic of her from her 80s era look near my mirror where I get dressed.  I recently checked to see what she has been doing since, well, 1988, and omg she is so fucking precious!  Still gorgeous, still talented, still a champion for equal rights, and still stylish as hell.  Can you believe shes 56?!  I hope I am still that awesome in 30 years.  

So Cyndi and ice cream hunger inspried, I decided to make myself and outfit!  I've been collecting some victorian inspired lacy tops and vintage womens dress shirts with built in scarves/ties/collary things. They are super interesting but take some thinking to actually work them into an outfit.  But today I determined that I would pick one thing in my closet that I love, and just find a way to make it work, damnit.  

Today's piece was my Betsey Johnson pink waitress dress that I love to pieces, but have worn maybe five times in the last ten years.  I am a big fan of pants under skirts and dresses, so I picked up some wide leg pin stripe cropped pants from Express to wear underneath, and a lacy off white girly vintage looking dress shirt with tuxedo ruffles to wear over top.  I picked my big black frames, some silver and black stripey hoops, and a long long strand of cheap white pearls.  I think the knotted pearls sort of look like a stylized necktie, which inspired the rest of the outfit.

Right now I only have my crappy camera phone on hand to take outfit pics via my mirror, so you'll have to bear with me.  I promise photos later will be much better!  You can always sooth yourself with this adorable pic of Cyndi with balloons and birthday cake!  SO ADORABLE!!

Anyhoo, here's what I could scrunge from my phone, let's see how they turned out.

Not great, but you can get the main idea!

Mirror shot! 


I'm gonna get an ice cream sundae, with whip cream, sprinkles, caramel, and a cherry on top.

Cuz that's what good girls who finish all their course work get!

Here I'm trying to show off the pinkness of the dress, and my killer shoes.

I just dug out my old faithful Buffalo brand club kid shoes that I haven't worn in years.  I stuck my fancy superfeet insoles into them and BAM!  It's like magic.  Oh Bufs, why did I ever forsake you?

And last but not least a shot of my kewl jacket and my fancy string of pearls!
Now I go get ice cream!  More later.  :)

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